PCL’s 9th Annual Golf Tournament

June 25 2014

[message_box title=”Congratulations!” color=”yellow”]Thanks to all the sponsors, golfers and volunteers who made PCL’s 9th annual golf tournament a resounding success! We raised approximately $10,000!! Check out our photo gallery of the event![/message_box]


Please support our 2014 hole sponsors.

CIBC ShaughnessyHowell Logo
   UNIFOR-local1524-RGB   Logo1_Black
Erb & Erb Insurance Logo for web Assante Wealth Management for web
Ins and Risk Mgmt Specialists Radford Hair Studio for web
Dakon Ad Amy, Appleby and Brennan 2
Twin City Tile Logo Berwick Roofing logo only
Elvis Garcia Logo (5) Spira Fire Protection Logo - Apr 15, 2010 (Medium) web
Voisin Chrysler Print
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